Follow these simple steps to give a short, but incredibly relaxing neck and shoulder massage - the five minute massage.
In this stressed-out world, nothing beats a neck and shoulder massage. A simple shoulder rub or back massage can be incredibly relaxing. Giving an effective professional-level therapeutic massage is something that requires training and years of practice. However, here are some simple techniques that you can use to perform a short, safe and simple massage. The massage techniques outlined here are of limited therapeutic value. You won’t be able to fix tendinitis or get rid of chronic headaches, but you certainly will be able to help your partner relax a little and release some tension.
While most people love and welcome a quick shoulder rub, check with your partner to be sure that they want a massage before starting. If the person has any severe pain or has had any recent injuries to the neck or shoulder area, don’t do this massage. Instead, suggest they see a massage profesional. While the massage may feel good, it could aggravate their condition. The massage should not be painful. It should feel good. Pain will make your partner tense up and defeats the purpose of the massage. So be sure to check in occasionally to find out if the pressure is comfortable. Don’t massage anything that feels bony. Bones don’t relax. They also tend to be very pain sensitive. So everything you massage should feel relatively soft.
If you’ve tried to give someone a massage in the past, you may have found that by the time they felt relaxed your hands and arms ached. Follow these simple principles and you’ll be able to give a relaxing massage without feeling like you’ve wrecked your body:
• Keep your shoulders relaxed
• Keep your back straight and avoid bending excessively
• Relax your hands between each movement
• Use a slow, even pace
• Use your thumbs as little as possible and now, the techniques...
Here are some techniques for the shoulders and neck. You’ll do these techniques while your partner sits upright in a regular chair. They can be done anywhere – in the office or at the kitchen table. The shoulder muscle is called the “trapezius” muscle. Massage therapists usually just call it the “traps”. This is easy to remember because this is where most of us trap our tension. The first technique is a simple compression movement that uses the forearms. Stand behind your partner and rest your forearms on the top of their shoulders as close to the neck as possible. Keep your palms down so the fleshy part of your forearm, not the bony part, lies on the muscle. Let your weight fall straight down onto their shoulders toward their seat. Avoid pushing them forward and be careful that you don’t lean on their head. Hold this for several seconds. Slowly lift the arms and move them down the shoulder one inch. Let your weight fall through your arms again. Repeat this process several times. As soon as you start to feel the bony part of their shoulder under your forearm, stop, bring your forearms to the starting position and repeat the technique again.
This forearm compression technique is simple to do, but feels fabulous. Now, move to the side of your partner. Feel the tip of the shoulder with your fingers. It will feel hard and bony. Move your fingers toward the neck until you feel some soft muscle under your fingers. Place your thumbs on that spot. Put one thumb on top of the other for reinforcement — each thumb will be doing just half the work. Press straight down with the thumbs. You’ll be pressing on the trapezius muscle again. Press down slowly, then hold the thumbs in the muscle for a couple of seconds and then slowly ease off the pressure. Move one thumb width towards the neck and repeat the compression. You should be able to do four to six compressions before you reach the neck. Once you reach the neck, move your thumbs back to the starting position and do a second set of compressions to those same points. Move to the other side of your partner and repeat these compressions to the other shoulder. For this third technique, you’ll have to stand behind your partner. Drape one hand over each shoulder as close to the neck as possible. Squeeze the trapezius between the fingertips and the heel of the hand. Keep your thumb beside your index finger so that it stays out of the way. Hold the squeeze for a couple of seconds and then slowly release your grip. Move out one inch toward the shoulders and repeat. You should be able to get three or four squeezes in before you run out of muscle. Be sure that you have the whole muscle in your hand so that you don’t pinch the skin. As well, don’t put your fingers too far around the front of the neck. You don’t want to choke your partner. In the back of the neck you have extensor muscles that hold the head upright. Because of poor posture and extended periods of sitting at computers, these muscles can become very tight, tender and achy.
To massage the neck extensors, stand to the side of your partner. If you are standing on the right side, make a C-shape with your left hand. Drape this hand over the back of the neck. Press gently into the sides of the neck with your fingers and thumbs. While maintaining this gentle pressure, do a large circular kneading action with your hand. The movement may remind you of picking a cat up by the back of the neck. This technique is usually referred to as a C-lift or C-scoop. Do a half-dozen circles in one spot and then move up or down the neck an inch and repeat. Massage along the whole length of the neck. Be careful not to pinch the skin at the back of the neck. Move the skin with the fingers instead of sliding over the skin, so that you don’t burn or irritate the skin. Lastly, you’ll do a little kneading to the base of the skull. This is where the extensor muscles attach into the head. To do this, cup your hand around the base of the skull. Gently rest your free hand on your partner’s forehead to support the head. Now move the fingers in a small circular motion, pressing into the skull as you knead. Do six to eight little circles. Again move the skin and hair with your fingers instead of sliding so that you don’t pull the hair. Lift the fingers and move them a little closer to the center. Repeat the kneading action. Do several sets like this. To do the other side of the skull, move to the opposite side of your partner. Finish off your massage with several gentle stroking actions down the head and back. These techniques should take about five minutes to perform. If you want to massage longer, simply do more sets of each technique.
If you have any questions or would like more tips on how to give a simple massage, ask your massage therapist or
visit my website at
to book an appointment for the "Pamper Your Partner" Massage where you and a partner will receive and learn to give a full massage.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
The Pain-Free Pregnancy
Pregnancy can be a joyous time for a mother-to-be. However, the changes in a woman's body and natural fears and anxiety can also be very stressful, both physically and emotionally. Massage has a profound ability to decrease stress as well as prevent or minimize many of the common symptoms and discomforts of pregnancy. Regular massage therapy sessions can mean the difference between a comfortable, relaxed pregnancy and one defined by miserable aches and pains. Massage is especially useful because pregnant women are often unable to take many medications that are normally used to manage common problems. Massage can help manage these aches and pains and is completely safe for both the mother and fetus. According to a recent study published in the Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology, the benefits extend beyond just making mom feel good. Researchers found that for women who received regular massage, there were fewer complications both during pregnancy and afterwards, including fewer premature births. How can massage help? Massage can have a beneficial impact on a whole range of problems associated with pregnancy, not just muscle aches. Morning sickness is the nausea and vomiting that many women experience early in the pregnancy. Although it is called morning sickness, it can occur any time during the day or night. As with many other problems, hormones are largely to blame. However, stress also appears to play a very significant role. By using regular massage to relax, the incidence of nausea and vomiting can actually be reduced. Hormones can also cause constipation as they cause the muscles of the digestive tract to relax. Gentle massage to the abdomen can help relieve constipation by activating a reflex that stimulates movement in the intestines. Massage therapists can also use rocking and passive range of motion techniques to get things moving. Deeper abdominal massage that is often used to relieve constipation in non-pregnant clients is never used, so there is no risk to the fetus. Headaches are another common problem in pregnancy. A non-drug approach is by far the best way to treat them. Massage has been proven to be extremely useful in dealing with headaches and should be considered the preferred treatment choice. Research shows that headaches become shorter and less frequent with regular massage. In the second trimester more pronounced physical changes take place. As the abdomen and breasts grow larger, a woman's posture starts to change. Typically most women develop an increased curve in their lower back or sway back to compensate for the extra weight at the front of their bodies. It's no surprise that about half of all pregnant women develop back pain. Massage can help through this period by minimizing muscle imbalances, relaxing tense muscles and improving their blood flow. Many women avoid massage during pregnancy because they don’t think it’s possible to lie properly on the table. Lying prone (face down) will likely be comfortable until the fourth or fifth month. After that the therapist will work on your back as you lie in a semi-prone or sidelying position.
A massage therapist can help minimize episodes of back pain by developing a simple home exercise program to stretch and strengthen various muscles. Another distressing problem that massage can assist is swelling in the ankles and hands. It's common. About 75% of all pregnant women will experience ankle swelling during pregnancy. The increased fluid in the hands can cause carpal tunnel syndrome, a painful wrist condition. Massage has proven to be extremely effective in relieving this type of swelling as the broad sweeping massage movements help push the fluid out of the limbs. Massage therapists are flexible in their approach and can do massage to the back, legs and gluteals even when it is no longer possible to lie face down. By about month four or five in the pregnancy, your therapist will likely have you lie on your side for the massage. Lying on the back is usually fine until late in the third trimester. Throughout your pregnancy your massage therapist will always ensure that you are safe and comfortable.
Massage is invaluable through a woman's pregnancy. It can be equally beneficial both through childbirth and afterwards. Labor is tough on a woman's body. It's painful, exhausting and stressful. Massage can be a wonderful way of helping the mother through the process. Massage helps the muscles relax between contractions, reduces pain and anxiety, increases self-assurance and also demonstrates loving encouragement and support. Your massage therapist may be willing to be present for support throughout labor. At the very least, they can teach the woman's partner or support team a variety of simple, effective techniques that can be used to give the mother some relief and support. After the birth, the focus falls on the newborn. Unfortunately, in all the excitement, the new mother's needs are often forgotten. However, this is a time when she could probably use massage the most. The massage can help greatly with her recovery process. For a number of weeks immediately after a vaginal birth, regular abdominal massage will help the uterus contract and shrink back to a normal size. It will relieve muscle aches and pains as well as help the woman deal with her fatigue. Mild depression is common after birth. About 60% of new mothers experience what is referred to as "postpartum blues". Massage can have a positive impact on a woman's emotional state and is a great way to lift her spirits. So if you are expecting a child or have recently become a new mom, make sure to get some regular massage. Your body will thank you. If you know someone who is pregnant, think of giving her a gift certificate for massage. It will be needed and appreciated. Although everyone's attention is on the mother and baby, it's important to remember that the new father could use massage too. New roles and responsibilities can produce a fair amount of stress and anxiety. Without a doubt the father will appreciate the opportunity to unwind and relax. A simple compression to the sacrum (a large bone at the back of the pelvis) during contractions can reduce back pain considerably. Massage can help you tremendously through labor. Ask your massage therapist if they do labor support. Alternatively, book an appointment where your massage therapist can teach your partner and support team some simple techniques to help you through the process.
To contact a qualified licensed massage therapist for an appointment or gift certificate, please
visit my website at for more details.
A massage therapist can help minimize episodes of back pain by developing a simple home exercise program to stretch and strengthen various muscles. Another distressing problem that massage can assist is swelling in the ankles and hands. It's common. About 75% of all pregnant women will experience ankle swelling during pregnancy. The increased fluid in the hands can cause carpal tunnel syndrome, a painful wrist condition. Massage has proven to be extremely effective in relieving this type of swelling as the broad sweeping massage movements help push the fluid out of the limbs. Massage therapists are flexible in their approach and can do massage to the back, legs and gluteals even when it is no longer possible to lie face down. By about month four or five in the pregnancy, your therapist will likely have you lie on your side for the massage. Lying on the back is usually fine until late in the third trimester. Throughout your pregnancy your massage therapist will always ensure that you are safe and comfortable.
Massage is invaluable through a woman's pregnancy. It can be equally beneficial both through childbirth and afterwards. Labor is tough on a woman's body. It's painful, exhausting and stressful. Massage can be a wonderful way of helping the mother through the process. Massage helps the muscles relax between contractions, reduces pain and anxiety, increases self-assurance and also demonstrates loving encouragement and support. Your massage therapist may be willing to be present for support throughout labor. At the very least, they can teach the woman's partner or support team a variety of simple, effective techniques that can be used to give the mother some relief and support. After the birth, the focus falls on the newborn. Unfortunately, in all the excitement, the new mother's needs are often forgotten. However, this is a time when she could probably use massage the most. The massage can help greatly with her recovery process. For a number of weeks immediately after a vaginal birth, regular abdominal massage will help the uterus contract and shrink back to a normal size. It will relieve muscle aches and pains as well as help the woman deal with her fatigue. Mild depression is common after birth. About 60% of new mothers experience what is referred to as "postpartum blues". Massage can have a positive impact on a woman's emotional state and is a great way to lift her spirits. So if you are expecting a child or have recently become a new mom, make sure to get some regular massage. Your body will thank you. If you know someone who is pregnant, think of giving her a gift certificate for massage. It will be needed and appreciated. Although everyone's attention is on the mother and baby, it's important to remember that the new father could use massage too. New roles and responsibilities can produce a fair amount of stress and anxiety. Without a doubt the father will appreciate the opportunity to unwind and relax. A simple compression to the sacrum (a large bone at the back of the pelvis) during contractions can reduce back pain considerably. Massage can help you tremendously through labor. Ask your massage therapist if they do labor support. Alternatively, book an appointment where your massage therapist can teach your partner and support team some simple techniques to help you through the process.
To contact a qualified licensed massage therapist for an appointment or gift certificate, please
visit my website at for more details.
Monday, April 2, 2007
Better Than Botox?
The verdict is in - facial rejuvenation with acupuncture really works!!! After some uncertainity of how effective the well publicized "acupuncture facelift" was, I witnessed first-hand what I now call miraculous results from the very first treatment!
In January of this year I took a continuing education 16 hour weekend workshop in where I became certified in acupuncture facial rejuvenation, open only to licensed acupuncturists. My interest in the treatment stemmed from the tremendous growth in cosmetic procedures ranging from botox and laser treatments to surgeries lasting as long as a work day within the last five years alone. I wanted to provide a safe, affordable and relatively pain free alternative to all the botox and some of the nipping and tucking that's going on. Acupuncture can lift saggy jowls, clear up dark and puffy eye circles, eliminate fine lines, help diminish deep lines, tighten up pores and more.
It is common to look like you've been on vacation after the first session but by the 7th there is a marked improvement - you will look up to ten years younger and everyone will notice! 10 to 15 sessions are suggested for best results and each session lasts any where between 60 - 90 minutes. Acupuncture points on the body and in the ear are first needled to help support the facial treatment and points on the head and face are chosen according to what you want tucked, lifted and smoothed out.
Visit the website for an acupuncture facelift consultation in Brooklyn Heights with Regine Rousseau
In January of this year I took a continuing education 16 hour weekend workshop in where I became certified in acupuncture facial rejuvenation, open only to licensed acupuncturists. My interest in the treatment stemmed from the tremendous growth in cosmetic procedures ranging from botox and laser treatments to surgeries lasting as long as a work day within the last five years alone. I wanted to provide a safe, affordable and relatively pain free alternative to all the botox and some of the nipping and tucking that's going on. Acupuncture can lift saggy jowls, clear up dark and puffy eye circles, eliminate fine lines, help diminish deep lines, tighten up pores and more.
It is common to look like you've been on vacation after the first session but by the 7th there is a marked improvement - you will look up to ten years younger and everyone will notice! 10 to 15 sessions are suggested for best results and each session lasts any where between 60 - 90 minutes. Acupuncture points on the body and in the ear are first needled to help support the facial treatment and points on the head and face are chosen according to what you want tucked, lifted and smoothed out.
Visit the website for an acupuncture facelift consultation in Brooklyn Heights with Regine Rousseau
Sunday, March 18, 2007
10 Things You Can Do NOW to Stop Neck Pain!
Do you get headaches, shoulder pain, or neck pain at work? If you do, here’s a short checklist that might help you uncover some of the causes.
1. Have you had your eyes checked lately?
If your eyesight is not 100% you may be straining not only your eyes, but your neck and shoulders. Problems are not always obvious, so make an appointment for a thorough eye examination.
2. Do you slouch?
When you slouch, your head tilts back to see your work properly. This shortens your neck muscles, wears down the joints in your neck and may even compress the nerves that go to your arms.
3. Do you have adequate support for your arms and wrists?
Armrests will take the stress off your shoulder muscles which normally carry the weight of your shoulder girdle and arms. Also consider using a wrist support.
4. Do you hold the phone between your ear and shoulder?
One client who spent a whole day on the phone developed a trigger point in his neck that sent pain into his chest. He thought he was having a heart attack! If you spend a lot of time on the telephone, invest in a headset.
5. Is your work in front of you?
If you spend most of your day looking at a computer screen, make sure it’s in front of you and not positioned to the side so that you have to turn your head to see it.
6. Do you use a document holder?
Document holders keep your papers next to your computer screen so that you don’t have to twist your neck around trying to look at printed material that’s lying flat on the desk.
7. Do you take frequent breaks?
Take frequent short breaks. It’s the best thing you can do to prevent your muscles from tightening up.
8. Do you carry a heavy briefcase or purse?
Change sides frequently. Better yet, center the weight over both shoulders by using a knapsack.
9. Is it time for a stress check?
If you feel stressed often, you may need to take a serious look at your lifestyle and explore ideas for reducing your stress level.
10. Do you breathe?
If you don’t breathe properly your shoulders and neck muscles will tense up. Make a point to take deep breaths at various times during your workday - expanding your belly to full capacity upon the inhale rather than raising your shoulders and breathing into your chest alone.
If you have specific health concerns consult your medical doctor. The information contained on this site is educational only and is not intended to replace the advice of your personal health care providers.
Visit us at
1. Have you had your eyes checked lately?
If your eyesight is not 100% you may be straining not only your eyes, but your neck and shoulders. Problems are not always obvious, so make an appointment for a thorough eye examination.
2. Do you slouch?
When you slouch, your head tilts back to see your work properly. This shortens your neck muscles, wears down the joints in your neck and may even compress the nerves that go to your arms.
3. Do you have adequate support for your arms and wrists?
Armrests will take the stress off your shoulder muscles which normally carry the weight of your shoulder girdle and arms. Also consider using a wrist support.
4. Do you hold the phone between your ear and shoulder?
One client who spent a whole day on the phone developed a trigger point in his neck that sent pain into his chest. He thought he was having a heart attack! If you spend a lot of time on the telephone, invest in a headset.
5. Is your work in front of you?
If you spend most of your day looking at a computer screen, make sure it’s in front of you and not positioned to the side so that you have to turn your head to see it.
6. Do you use a document holder?
Document holders keep your papers next to your computer screen so that you don’t have to twist your neck around trying to look at printed material that’s lying flat on the desk.
7. Do you take frequent breaks?
Take frequent short breaks. It’s the best thing you can do to prevent your muscles from tightening up.
8. Do you carry a heavy briefcase or purse?
Change sides frequently. Better yet, center the weight over both shoulders by using a knapsack.
9. Is it time for a stress check?
If you feel stressed often, you may need to take a serious look at your lifestyle and explore ideas for reducing your stress level.
10. Do you breathe?
If you don’t breathe properly your shoulders and neck muscles will tense up. Make a point to take deep breaths at various times during your workday - expanding your belly to full capacity upon the inhale rather than raising your shoulders and breathing into your chest alone.
If you have specific health concerns consult your medical doctor. The information contained on this site is educational only and is not intended to replace the advice of your personal health care providers.
Visit us at
Sitting On The Job
First Hand News - Sitting On The Job
As the workforce has shifted from factories to offices, the incidence of back pain has increased dramatically. Researchers blame this increase on one simple activity that we do all the time - sitting.
Our bodies were not designed to sit for long periods of time. We were made to move. Almost everyone who sits for long periods of time will develop back pain, even with the use of an ergonomic chair. It's not uncommon to develop other problems as well. Surveys of office workers indicate that about half of all employees have frequent pain or stiffness in their necks and shoulders. Repetitive strain injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome are becoming more common and about 10% of keyboard users experience wrist pain or discomfort. Who would have thought that sitting could wreak such havoc on your body?
"Surveys indicate that almost half of
all office workers have frequent
pain or stiffness in their necks
and shoulders"
Your body needs movement to operate effectively. If you have a sedentary lifestyle or sit for most of the day, your body is going to start complaining. You have to move.
When your muscles contract, you assist the flow of blood and lymph fluid through your body. The muscles act as a pump. If they don't contract regularly the blood in your extremities pools and you may get swelling of your feet and hands or those parts may just feel cold because the blood circulation is insufficient.
When you sit for long periods of time certain postural muscles, like your shoulder muscles, become overworked. These will tend to become short and tight from overuse whereas other muscles like your gluteals, abdominal and mid-back muscles, will become weak and atrophy.
Lean back in your chair and stretch your arms up and your legs out. Wiggle your fingers and toes. Then do circles with your ankles and wrists. Continue to reach up and back, close your eyes, smile, breathe in deeply and out slowly several times.
In the short time it takes to perform this micro break, you have released the lock of your visual and mental tasks, stretched away muscle tension built up in your hips, spine, and arms and refreshed your body with extra oxygen by expanding your rib cage. You also improved your posture as well as the circulation of blood through your legs and arms. All this in less than 30 seconds!
Caution: Before trying this micro-break, be sure to check your chair for stability so that you don't fall over.
Help for the deskbound
If you are stuck behind a desk all day, there are a number of things you can
do to keep your body healthy.
Make sure you're using the chair to support your body. For example, most people never use the backrest properly to support the low back.
As they sit down they aim their bottom at the middle of the seat. Then to reach the backrest they slouch backwards. Are you guilty of this? If you are, start aiming your sitting bones toward the back edge of the chair as you sit down.
It's very important to take frequent breaks. Consider this study: Researchers had subjects sit in chairs as they measured tension in their back muscles. After about twenty minutes of sitting, their back muscles started spontaneously tensing up even though the chairs were adjusted to completely support their backs!
Taking breaks will keep your muscles from tightening up.
Use the 20/20 rule: Take a twenty second break at least every twenty minutes. Use these "micro-breaks" to stand up, stretch out and take a couple of deep breaths.
If possible vary the tasks you do throughout the day so that you don't work at one single activity for too long. For example, if your job involves typing and filing, alternate the tasks every half-hour.
Get a regular massage to help you get rid of accumulated tension, stretched out, overworked and tight muscles and to get your circulation going.
Lastly, be sure to exercise regularly. It is vitally important that you balance
your inactivity with activity. Try some form of gentle aerobics like running
or biking or strengthen, increase flexibilty and breathe deeper with yoga.
Go to for more information.
As the workforce has shifted from factories to offices, the incidence of back pain has increased dramatically. Researchers blame this increase on one simple activity that we do all the time - sitting.
Our bodies were not designed to sit for long periods of time. We were made to move. Almost everyone who sits for long periods of time will develop back pain, even with the use of an ergonomic chair. It's not uncommon to develop other problems as well. Surveys of office workers indicate that about half of all employees have frequent pain or stiffness in their necks and shoulders. Repetitive strain injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome are becoming more common and about 10% of keyboard users experience wrist pain or discomfort. Who would have thought that sitting could wreak such havoc on your body?
"Surveys indicate that almost half of
all office workers have frequent
pain or stiffness in their necks
and shoulders"
Your body needs movement to operate effectively. If you have a sedentary lifestyle or sit for most of the day, your body is going to start complaining. You have to move.
When your muscles contract, you assist the flow of blood and lymph fluid through your body. The muscles act as a pump. If they don't contract regularly the blood in your extremities pools and you may get swelling of your feet and hands or those parts may just feel cold because the blood circulation is insufficient.
When you sit for long periods of time certain postural muscles, like your shoulder muscles, become overworked. These will tend to become short and tight from overuse whereas other muscles like your gluteals, abdominal and mid-back muscles, will become weak and atrophy.
Lean back in your chair and stretch your arms up and your legs out. Wiggle your fingers and toes. Then do circles with your ankles and wrists. Continue to reach up and back, close your eyes, smile, breathe in deeply and out slowly several times.
In the short time it takes to perform this micro break, you have released the lock of your visual and mental tasks, stretched away muscle tension built up in your hips, spine, and arms and refreshed your body with extra oxygen by expanding your rib cage. You also improved your posture as well as the circulation of blood through your legs and arms. All this in less than 30 seconds!
Caution: Before trying this micro-break, be sure to check your chair for stability so that you don't fall over.
Help for the deskbound
If you are stuck behind a desk all day, there are a number of things you can
do to keep your body healthy.
Make sure you're using the chair to support your body. For example, most people never use the backrest properly to support the low back.
As they sit down they aim their bottom at the middle of the seat. Then to reach the backrest they slouch backwards. Are you guilty of this? If you are, start aiming your sitting bones toward the back edge of the chair as you sit down.
It's very important to take frequent breaks. Consider this study: Researchers had subjects sit in chairs as they measured tension in their back muscles. After about twenty minutes of sitting, their back muscles started spontaneously tensing up even though the chairs were adjusted to completely support their backs!
Taking breaks will keep your muscles from tightening up.
Use the 20/20 rule: Take a twenty second break at least every twenty minutes. Use these "micro-breaks" to stand up, stretch out and take a couple of deep breaths.
If possible vary the tasks you do throughout the day so that you don't work at one single activity for too long. For example, if your job involves typing and filing, alternate the tasks every half-hour.
Get a regular massage to help you get rid of accumulated tension, stretched out, overworked and tight muscles and to get your circulation going.
Lastly, be sure to exercise regularly. It is vitally important that you balance
your inactivity with activity. Try some form of gentle aerobics like running
or biking or strengthen, increase flexibilty and breathe deeper with yoga.
Go to for more information.
Friday, March 9, 2007
The Decision to Cleanse and Renew
I decided to do the very much publicized "Master Cleanse" some time ago but my body and mind were not willing to commit. This was sometime in the winter when it was cold and dry and really the last thing my body needed was to be sucking down gallons of a lemonade-only diet! In the winter, our bodies crave warmth and comfort. We find it in soups and in rich, hearty meals with plenty of carbs. I remember many of my spa colleagues struggling to get down their cold leafy salads during this time. Now that spring is near, our bodies crave what's cool and refreshing but as I said in the previous post "Spring Forward into Your Healing", we must first clear the winter clutter.
As March rolled around this year I found myself feeling extra tired with muscle and joint pain along with having headaches. I felt like a walking bucket of toxins! And of course I was still struggling to lose that last ten pounds that sits right around my middle - all ten pounds of it - AArgh! I can't really blame that on the "baby" anymore because she's almost two years-old. My husband was also experiencing the same effects of too much rich and sugary foods of the past season - we knew things had to change.
We would start out with a detox cleanse. Years ago I was put on an ayurvedic detox program for three weeks to clear up my skin but my body had never looked so good! The detox diet consisted of fruits, veggies, tofu, rice and pasta (believe it or not!), beans, raw honey, vegan soups, yeast and wheat free waffles, vegan sausage, dried fruit. I COULD NOT have the following: NO bread, vinegar, yeast, animal anything (meat, fish, dairy, eggs, etc.) nuts, sugar, condiments, bananas, tomatoes in moderation. By week two all I wanted was chicken! I was in major withdrawal but I stuck to it and by the end of week three - 21 days - I was a brand new woman. Not only had my face cleared up but my body hadn't looked that good in years. My bowel movements had no smell and neither did my sweat, I had so much energy and did not need my usual 9-10 hours of sleep to feel well rested - 6-7 hours were great. Since then I've slipped back into bad eating habits but I know that there is a remedy in proper nutrition just waiting for me and all of us who seek it and I will return.
Visit our website at
As March rolled around this year I found myself feeling extra tired with muscle and joint pain along with having headaches. I felt like a walking bucket of toxins! And of course I was still struggling to lose that last ten pounds that sits right around my middle - all ten pounds of it - AArgh! I can't really blame that on the "baby" anymore because she's almost two years-old. My husband was also experiencing the same effects of too much rich and sugary foods of the past season - we knew things had to change.
We would start out with a detox cleanse. Years ago I was put on an ayurvedic detox program for three weeks to clear up my skin but my body had never looked so good! The detox diet consisted of fruits, veggies, tofu, rice and pasta (believe it or not!), beans, raw honey, vegan soups, yeast and wheat free waffles, vegan sausage, dried fruit. I COULD NOT have the following: NO bread, vinegar, yeast, animal anything (meat, fish, dairy, eggs, etc.) nuts, sugar, condiments, bananas, tomatoes in moderation. By week two all I wanted was chicken! I was in major withdrawal but I stuck to it and by the end of week three - 21 days - I was a brand new woman. Not only had my face cleared up but my body hadn't looked that good in years. My bowel movements had no smell and neither did my sweat, I had so much energy and did not need my usual 9-10 hours of sleep to feel well rested - 6-7 hours were great. Since then I've slipped back into bad eating habits but I know that there is a remedy in proper nutrition just waiting for me and all of us who seek it and I will return.
Visit our website at
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Spring Forward into Your Healing!
Spring is right around the corner and that means only one thing... Spring Cleaning! It's time to clear out the stagnation and congestion of winter's heavy foods and inactivity, and cleanse. This time of year represents all things new and reborn. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Spring relates to the Wood element which embodies the energy of our liver and gallbladder. The liver is in charge of the smooth flow of energy ("Chi") in our bodies and for cleansing and storing the blood. But when the liver is pushed into dis-ease by accumulated toxic foods, wastes and emotions (anger is the emotion stored in the liver), the liver's function is hindered resulting in fatigue, muscle stiffness, pain/soreness, allergies, headaches, and hormonal imbalance. In chronic stages, liver dysfunction can result in depression, anemia, chronic fatigue and immune system deficiency.
Take this time to do a wonderful detox diet to start anew, feel light and refreshed and prepare your body for health and wealth in the upcoming season. Remember if we don't do it, colds, allergies, and fevers will take over as our body's way of getting rid of any debilitating wastes. Detox diets on the other hand, have been shown to improve energy, skin, and attitude. Not to mention eliminating many unexplained ailments like certain joint, nerve and muscle pain, headaches, and constipation.
Warm or hot salt baths (dead sea or Epsom) are an amazing addition to your cleansing regimen, particularly after a stressful day. An entire 4lb container (housed in the half-gallon container) of Epsom salt or 1lb of dead sea salt poured into a hot bath will flush your muscles of metabolic wastes and help you detox through the skin. Immerse your entire body - neck included - and soak for 15-60 minutes. Baths combined with sauna and steam will provide optimal results. Remember regular massage as well, it further assists in flushing toxins, increases your alertness and mental clarity and makes you feel wonderfully renewed!
So spring forward and take the first step into your healing through detoxification. To read more about detox diets and the benefits of massage click on the links below:
Visit my website at
*Pregnant and nursing mothers should not follow any of these suggestions and people with diabetes and high blood pressure should avoid salt baths. Always consult your physician before beginning any diet or cleansing program.
Take this time to do a wonderful detox diet to start anew, feel light and refreshed and prepare your body for health and wealth in the upcoming season. Remember if we don't do it, colds, allergies, and fevers will take over as our body's way of getting rid of any debilitating wastes. Detox diets on the other hand, have been shown to improve energy, skin, and attitude. Not to mention eliminating many unexplained ailments like certain joint, nerve and muscle pain, headaches, and constipation.
Warm or hot salt baths (dead sea or Epsom) are an amazing addition to your cleansing regimen, particularly after a stressful day. An entire 4lb container (housed in the half-gallon container) of Epsom salt or 1lb of dead sea salt poured into a hot bath will flush your muscles of metabolic wastes and help you detox through the skin. Immerse your entire body - neck included - and soak for 15-60 minutes. Baths combined with sauna and steam will provide optimal results. Remember regular massage as well, it further assists in flushing toxins, increases your alertness and mental clarity and makes you feel wonderfully renewed!
So spring forward and take the first step into your healing through detoxification. To read more about detox diets and the benefits of massage click on the links below:
Visit my website at
*Pregnant and nursing mothers should not follow any of these suggestions and people with diabetes and high blood pressure should avoid salt baths. Always consult your physician before beginning any diet or cleansing program.
Oprah Gets Acupuncture?!!!!
Welcome to my massage and acupuncture blog! I'm committed to bringing you the latest news and information on these healing modalities. Feel free to add your comments as you see fit.
Recently, worldwide attention and awareness was brought to acupuncture on The Oprah Winfrey Show - my absolute favorite show!
Recurring guest expert, Dr. Oz, validated the benefits of acupuncture and "alternative medicine" as a whole on a recent February show this year, stating its extremely long standing effectiveness in treating many common health conditions.
Oprah, in spite of her fear of needles, received her first acupuncture treatment from a New York Licensed Acupuncturist LIVE in front of a studio audience while a lucky audience member got treated backstage for constant "radiating shoulder pain". Oprah marveled at the painless insertion of the needles while Angela, the audience member who got treated for her shoulder pain backstage, had immediate results! She told the audience that the constant pain she was experiencing had left as a direct result of the simple acupuncture treatment she received. Check out this clip from the show to get the full story:
Click link below for my website:
Recently, worldwide attention and awareness was brought to acupuncture on The Oprah Winfrey Show - my absolute favorite show!
Recurring guest expert, Dr. Oz, validated the benefits of acupuncture and "alternative medicine" as a whole on a recent February show this year, stating its extremely long standing effectiveness in treating many common health conditions.
Oprah, in spite of her fear of needles, received her first acupuncture treatment from a New York Licensed Acupuncturist LIVE in front of a studio audience while a lucky audience member got treated backstage for constant "radiating shoulder pain". Oprah marveled at the painless insertion of the needles while Angela, the audience member who got treated for her shoulder pain backstage, had immediate results! She told the audience that the constant pain she was experiencing had left as a direct result of the simple acupuncture treatment she received. Check out this clip from the show to get the full story:
Click link below for my website:
alternative medicine,
Dr. Oz,
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